St Columba's URC seeks to support the local, national, and international communities. This is manifested in the forms of prayer, action, and financial giving.

Weekly activities

Our worship services incorporate prayers for those in need, such as people located in areas of famine, drought, natural disasters, and conflict. We have a Fairtrade stall in the church hall after (most) Sunday services. And, the money given towards the after-service refreshments is donated to a charity.

Special financial collections

St Columba's URC regularly holds special financial collections during its church services. These focus on specific causes, both in the UK and also the rest of the world. These collections are usually held on communion Sundays. However, they also occur throughout the year, as-and-when required.

Food and produce collections

Food and produce collections are also a regular activity for St Columba's URC. Members of the congregation are invited to bring such goods to our communion Sundays. These contributions are provided to local causes, such as foodbanks.

If you are willing and able to donate to any of the causes we support then please follow the links above and also on our Links page. This is always important to consider but especially so following the Covid-19 situation.